Monday, March 2, 2009


Well, This is really interesting.

The numbers could mean they have already shrunk, or it could mean they have not yet.
As far as I understood Beth earlier today, this is what they are:

Sonogram GB 1/24......... 11.2 by 10.6 by 6.8
Catscan GB same day..... ( 10.5 by 9.9 )
MRI Albany Med 1/26....... 10.5 by 10.2 by 6.4

Sonogram Alb. M. 2/27.... 10.8 by 7.3

So, unless I got those numbers wrong of the Catsacn and the Songram in GB in January... boy, are those measurements accurate? Maybe not at all. Those images were taken within merely a couple of hours of each other, and that much of a difference? The Catscan probably being the unreliable one, because it was taken without contrast fluid. So, if the second measurement of the last Sonogram relates to the second measurements of both MRI and first Sonogram, then the cyst has lost 3 cm of it's width. That wouldn't be bad.

All in all I am feeling pretty good, I have very solidly arrived at the conviction that I have done "good work", and that the lack of obvious number change is not due to me having done something wrong, or missed something or having failed, but that these two just simply do take more time. I can make room for that.

I continue to take the Hydrogen Peroxide which takes me through bouts of detox during which I am a bit nauseous... Jimmy too is clearly seeing the effects in his fluctuating state of being too. Good stuff. At first I thought about jumping right in and doing another journey over the weekend, but then my gut feeling said: Take a rest! Just let it unfold for a while. You have done so much. You can trust this. Breathe a little. Just be.

My family in Germany jumped into gear and looked for other feedback. Most notably my sweet aunt talked to a healer she has worked with often and who seems to give reliable readings. He confirmed my mental work has created first a stagnation and now the beginning of a reversal. He too sees them going away. He feels I need to increase my intake of minerals to support the process. Well, that should be easy.

I may get the test reports faxed to me... would love to look at those number finally myself.

Love you!!

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