Saturday, March 7, 2009

What a Day!!!

Wow, this has been quite a day!
Instead of packing for Antigua, back to Albany per ambulance.

Jimmy just left around 9:00 to go back home where Anina has been holding the fort, still not quite well herself, but at least feeling better all around... the antibiotics we got her yesterday are starting to work.

I have been through two rounds of "Delauded" however you spell that... this miracle-drug that it is. Man, you start loving that stuff! And, very similar to last time, after two rounds of it, the pain is subsiding naturally and magically on it's own. Pain was almost worse than last time, because it took so long to get me these drugs, and the morphine I was administered already in the ambulance just barely took the edge off.

Now I am upstairs on the 6th floor just as in Albany Med, and almost eerily, my room number 6202 seems to be a succession from the last one which was 601, even though this is a different hospital. (I went here because Dr Timmins actually operates out of St.Peters Hospital.)

My Jimmy was here all day, waiting and communicating to the emergency staff who is not too responsive and dragging their feet. Up here now, on the higher floor the care people are wonderful. Once I was out of the fog, he read a couple of chapters from our latest book to me. A VERY funny novel called "Handling Sin"

I will hopefully get a good night sleep... pain seems to be very exhausting for the body. Carol has offered to come in the morning. Jimmy will be back too. I will call or e-mail after I speak to the doctor.

My in room phone number, which we activated is: 518 525 7499 - I don't have my cell with me.

Funny, I am not even sad over not being able to go to Antigua. At least not right now. There was no mistaking where I needed to go today. The body yet again spoke clearly.

Of course there are questions. What does it really mean? Why now? Am I supposed to let go of the vision and conviction my body is doing this healing on it's own? Why have I been taken down this path, when now it seems a surgery would feel like a 180 degree turn? Why did it seem I was being taught to learn to trust this path would take me there?

Again there must be a greater purpose for these recent events. Something is being offered to me. I just don't know what it is yet.

Goddesses, I will be soaking up the sun, long distance through your pores, will be drinking in the warm moist air through your lungs, and feeling the soft white sand through the soles of your feet... I truly am with you there in spirit.

Signing off for some sleep now...
Sending you all love spread as you are soon over such vast distances of this earth, Northeast US, Caribbean, Chile, and Germany.

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