Thursday, January 29, 2009

Thursday, Jan 29th - 3:32 PM


Ohhh, it is much later than I had intended to write a little update for all of you... but this day just floated along into new and unplanned spaces... mostly I had a long, to be precise: 1:45 min talk with my sister... to catch up not only of my current experience, but also all of what has been going on in her life since we last spoke, and that is months ago (she lives in Chile)

Patrice called, then Sarah called, Jimmy called, my house keeper needed to hear something about the Journey, the fire tended, wood kept on rotation to dry... and in between there are these moments of stillness, when I just look within and listen to be present to what is there, to maybe glimpse what mysterious process is going on down there.

Today was the first day I ventured outside again, and had my short morning walk with Jacky, I even drove Anina to school. I really wanted to feel what my body felt like in those familiar activities. - Yea, a little different all right. In the farm store I stood in the supplement section and tried to get a read on various substances holding them out in front of me and waiting for my body to give a signal of attraction or withdrawl. None too successsful, but I bought some stuff anyways...

Daily life is making itself known a bit... have to pay some bills, forward some tax stuff, copy my insurance card ... and so on

Jimmy will be back tonight and very tired.

Annabel will be back to make dinner for us.

Today I would have been in surgery. Now, that is simply unthinkable!
I am feeling very much less fragile and something that could be a mixture of excitement, joy and anticipation is starting to take over. In speaking to my sister Theda earlier, I tried to pinpoint what this whole experience feels like right now and I found myself describing it as a loving gesture. As if I have been receiving a miraculously well though out gift that has been in the making for a very long time. And now I am receiving it.

I feel lucky.

More later...
much love as always...

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