Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Karen - 4:56 PM

Heellooo- Goddesses!

Thanks for all your calls yesterday keeping me up-to-date. Thank you for putting in the time at the hospitals, as Tomma lived through her crisis.

I think it is wise that we keep the excitement level to a minimum for Tomma who needs the quietude to reflect ( she is such a reflective person) and to drift into sleep as needed. She is certainly comfortable, comforted and grateful for the care she is receiving. Floor d-6 is very, peaceful today. She has appreciated the phone calls and the help from all of us. She seemed relieved when things quieted down.

I was with her from 12:30 til 3:00 when her daughters arrived.

The catherization was brief and " no big deal" as Tomma would say.
She continues to experience some abdominal sensations and bleeding discharge. She is grateful for the pain meds and the kind attention she receives from the staff on this floor.
She and I drank ice water together while she worked her way through her IV drip. She enjoyed a natural fruit smoothie drink that i brought.
it was quite an afternoon of drinking together!! Hydrating that is! hahaha
And that's the whole report from me.

She has her daughters with her now- and she conveyed the situation to them very calmly- Tomma style. They took it well.
It is so good for them to be together! I asked them if there was anything that they needed- and they assured me that for now they are doing fine.

Enjoy this fabulously cold winter evening!

I am making soup!
loveHUGS, karen

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