Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Suzi - 5:41 PM

Hi all!

Maria and Catherine and I are about to head up for an hour of visiting
Tomma. Just enough to tuck her in and talk a little. We will leave at 8 to
be home easily here in GB by 9.

I am not spoken to Jimmy in the last hours, but did speak to Annina. She
thinks he is starting to travel up here for what sounds like surgery
tomorrow. The girls sound fine. They have several of our numbers and know
they can call.

I will let you know what I learn as we go. Tomma may be resting as she is
not answering her phone. I let her know she could turn us back if she
prefers to rest- though Pussy tells me to just go and be there for a spell
and break up the evening.

We have Patrice, Karen and me able to travel tomorrow and Lydi before 2.
This week will ask a lot of Tomma, so any assistance we give as the days
reveal need will be wondrous.

Tons of love to you each. SO glad we did not wind up in Buffalo last night!
More later, S

Suzi Banks Baum

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