Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Lydia - 10:47 PM

Here's the latest:
Tomma was taken by ambulance to Albany Med with Suzi along for the ride, I think. Lise and Patrice drove over behind the ambulance. Now they are in a room in the ER wing of the hospital. Thankfully, there is no one in the other bed, so Suzi and Patrice and Lise didn't have to leave at 9pm, when visitors usually have to leave.
Turns out the appendix is fine, but there are two ovarian (I think) cysts, each of which is about 10 centimeters in diameter. (We all just saw her naked in the sauna - where could two grapefruits be hiding within that beautiful, modest frame?) A likely explanation for the terrible pain Tomma was experiencing earlier is that one of these cysts was torqued(why? we don't know.) This cyst is filled or is filling with liquid (blood? lymph? we don't know.) There is a welcome and mostly unexplained cessation of pain now, thanks partly to the terrific drugs they gave her and the apparent spontaneous untorquing of the cyst. Tomma and her fellow goddesses must be lightening the day (and night) of oh so many hospital staff members. Word is that her current doctor is quite darling indeed.
We are awaiting word about whether and when surgery will be. Jimmy, who is in Florida on a job, wants to be here for the surgery. In any case, it looks as if no heroic (surgical)measures will be taken tonight. Suzi said she'd give me another call when they decide what's next. It sounded very likely that Tomma will stay in the hospital tonight and Suzi, Lise and Patrice will be driving home within an hour or two.

I think that's all I know for now. I'll send another update asap.

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