Thursday, January 29, 2009

Thursday, Jan 29th - 3:32 PM


Ohhh, it is much later than I had intended to write a little update for all of you... but this day just floated along into new and unplanned spaces... mostly I had a long, to be precise: 1:45 min talk with my sister... to catch up not only of my current experience, but also all of what has been going on in her life since we last spoke, and that is months ago (she lives in Chile)

Patrice called, then Sarah called, Jimmy called, my house keeper needed to hear something about the Journey, the fire tended, wood kept on rotation to dry... and in between there are these moments of stillness, when I just look within and listen to be present to what is there, to maybe glimpse what mysterious process is going on down there.

Today was the first day I ventured outside again, and had my short morning walk with Jacky, I even drove Anina to school. I really wanted to feel what my body felt like in those familiar activities. - Yea, a little different all right. In the farm store I stood in the supplement section and tried to get a read on various substances holding them out in front of me and waiting for my body to give a signal of attraction or withdrawl. None too successsful, but I bought some stuff anyways...

Daily life is making itself known a bit... have to pay some bills, forward some tax stuff, copy my insurance card ... and so on

Jimmy will be back tonight and very tired.

Annabel will be back to make dinner for us.

Today I would have been in surgery. Now, that is simply unthinkable!
I am feeling very much less fragile and something that could be a mixture of excitement, joy and anticipation is starting to take over. In speaking to my sister Theda earlier, I tried to pinpoint what this whole experience feels like right now and I found myself describing it as a loving gesture. As if I have been receiving a miraculously well though out gift that has been in the making for a very long time. And now I am receiving it.

I feel lucky.

More later...
much love as always...

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Back Home - Wed. Jan 28th - 9:03 AM

Dearest sisters, goddesses, most wonderful friends in the world,

Yes, I am back home.
Right now, after stoking the fire, back in bed.
I am drawn to sitting and pausing, just feeling my body, just being quiet, resting, and letting the presence digest what is here.

Yesterday unfolded without too many bumps, the discharge took way longer than expected and sweet Carol not only witnessed my last official exchange with Dr Angell, in which he voiced his concerns about my decision, but also waited patiently for all the paperwork and procedurs to be done.

Odd experience to return back home after such a life changing interlude in the emergency world. The familiar surroundings somewhat sluggishly unresponsive to what I had been through and the change that was floating in my soul.

House was fairly good condition, but no fire burning, and Sophia in her bathrobe, and still - or rather - back again in bed after bringing Anna to school.
Relighting the fire was a major adventure, because the cold air had created a powerful downdraft that was blowing into the room and it took the two of us considerable effort and the endurance of MUCH smoke that billowed into the house before enough heat had been produced to reverse the trend... interesting.

Annabels visit was so sweet and comforting and quietly reflective, she embodies this long perspective into the past and my life here in Upstate New York. As she sat there, my mind could help but pour in little glimpses of memories of all we have lived through together, after all she was my very first, and for a long time my one friend up here... so much that those 17 years of participating in each others life have contained...

Sophia and Anina made dinner for me, and Nini especially was just in her most caring, helpful and sweetest self, asking if I needed this or that and telling me not to do this or that, she could really do that for me... Wow. I wonder if Annabel had a special talk with her, because they were both gone for a long while somewhere in the course of the afternoon.

Slept like a baby.

At some point I will kick into gear to begin defining what exactly this month of retreating looks like... Creating my mastermind group may turn out to be the first step... today I may just take it slow.

I love you all so very much!!


From this point on I will limit the posts to my own mails that I sent out to the group.

ME: The new Morning - 9:02 AM

Dearest, dearest, friends, Mami, Papi, Theada und Flemming,

So I have pondered and talked, and talked, and thought some more about this decision, and finally had a last key question for Dr Timmens when I came back this morning: If I go on a one month healing retreat, would it increase the chances of cancer being there, or the amount of spreading it can do? And his answer was a clear "no". That was the last confirmation I needed.

So, a healing retreat it is!!

I am leaving home today. Carol is wonderful enough to come and pick me up.
Annabel will come by to visit later today.
Jimmy will come back from Florida and cut the second part of his stay there and go with me to the Journey Intensive in NJ this weekend.
I will form a mastermind group who will accompany me on this healing journey.
My primary intention is not to prove that the Journey or natural healing can work, but to give myself the largest opening for the healing that my body needs right now and to discover what has brought these two masses into my body to begin with. Much has already been revealed to me in these last few days... most of all I want to give my body the chance to keep speaking to me. It has spoken son clearly now and I want to keep the cysts who have delivered this message there as my ongoing messengers. They will be the one who tell me if what has been out of balance and harmful or toxic in my life has been discovered.

And if after one month they have not responded I can still take them out.

The discharge order has not been signed by Dr Timmens which is why my departure is not happening right first thing. They need to get his confirmation.

Hope they get in touch with him soon


Sarah - Tues Jan 27th, 7:02 AM

Dear dear Goddesses and especially Tomma,
I have been sitting on that traveling couch with you all, calling in the warmth of the south and the healing of the tropics.
Tomma I have been doing my kidney/ovarian breathing techniques that I learned in Hawaii and sending that healing your way as well.
You are such a fabulous healer and I trust in your power to manifest all that is perfect for you.
I was going to call you a couple of times yesterday and chose to give you love via other channels as you are in the midst of so many conversations and decisions.
I will call you soon and until then know that you are in my prayers and healing circle.
I am also relishing the circle of love that we all create and am exercising my ability to connect from a distance! We are truly blessed.
With SO much love,

Annabel - 10:52 PM

Dear Tomma,
Thank you so very much for including all of us in your process this way! We are blessed with being part of what you are going through and with the depth of your sharing.
Tomorrow, Tuesday, I am headed north. I would like to come wherever you are in the afternoon unless that doesn't work for you. Sounds like I may be visiting you at home! What an amazing stroke! After this day of wondering and waiting and being so psychically present in a hospital situation to think of seeing you in your home. Can I bring food? Can I bring anything else? I can stay a short time or a long time or not at all and wait until Wednesday or Thursday.
It is so lovely thinking of you in your "hotel" room and luxuriously staying the extra night and breathing with these decisions.
If you need to talk tonight during this decisionmaking process you can call this number 845-528-6453 at any time: really.
The alone time for you sounds very important tonight, though.
Much love to you,

Lydia - 10:29 PM

Nighty night, my Tomma! I hope you sleep very well.

Suzi - 10:13 PM

And on the tail of the Year of the Ox…so steady and firmly planted this Ox.

What another spectacular day of healing for Tomma and us all.

The decisions she has to make require attention and quiet for dear Tomma, so her stay in the hospital one more night is perfect. She keeps referring to it as her hotel.

Let us send her waves of light.

Should she decide to return home tomorrow, Sofie will pick her up and drive her home. What company and care she requires, like some food support for tomorrow night, will be revealed.

Should she decide to do surgery Thursday, we can mobilize our fine selves around that.

Should she decide to wait, our mobilizing can run in other directions.

But our love will not cease.

So, let it stand this night that we did our best to encircle Tomma. Mission accomplished. We will await operating instructions from the Divine on our next steps.

Until then, good night sweet women, sleep tight, S

ME: Post MRI more results - 9:55 PM

Sorry, this took so long...
so many conversations to have...

Dr Timmens finally came around 6:00...
cancer chances are about 10%, cysts don't show any detectable sign of shrinking right now, the bleeding was more likely an early triggered menstrual cycle, the pain was caused by the type of growth spurt the chambered cyst tend to make and when blood inject into one of the chambers it created intense pain (don't ask me why) No twisting possible as this cyst is tightly lodged into her place.

Surgery would happen on Thursday and mean a large incision and the removal of the cysts, if possible leaving the ovaries intact, if too intergrown they would go also. IF cancer is there other parts may be removed also depending on any presence of cancerous up to total historectomy.

If I wait to give Journeywork a chance I have to wait about a month, these cysts are not known to change all that fast. During this time I run the risk of experiencing another growth spurt and the same emergency pain situation I went through Saturday... other than that the situation is not life threatening. It wont significantly change the size of them either way nor increase the risk of cancer, so surgery would still be a somewhat similar venture as it would be two days from now.

I could have chosen to go home tonight and think it through there and either come back for surgery on Thursday or go on my personal healing retreat, but I chose to stay in the hospital one more night to give myself time. I don't want to make this decision hastily, and the time alone away from the daily life tasks and responsibilities feels very valuable right now. But I have to decide one way or the other by tomorrow morning.

Helpful conversation with more of my friends point to really stepping out of the grind of daily life for that whole month, and can I really DO that? (On the other hand I WILL have t do that if I have surgery) Or will it suck me back in? many questions to ponder ad more inner work to be done... and that is good because I am ready to do it!

Most of all now I have to talk with Sophia and Anina and Jimmy too... on my own, right now, I am leaning toward healing from the inside...

Have to still talk to the girls now and Jimmy

Christine - 8:34 PM

Dear Tomma,
I am following your progress through the blizzard of e-mails and I am blazing you my deepest support and energy for your journey. I was so glad to hear that you had (physical) visits from some of the circle; and the more (physically) distant are with you too.

May your sails be full and the journey swift and bountiful!'

Jenny - 7:57 PM

Dear One,

I am so grateful to get all your news. This sounds reassuring to me as well. I will be away tmrw, but will look for your next email when I return home (from NYC).

Big love, XOXOXO


Gabrielle - 7:27 PM

Dear Tomma,
You are in my thoughts.
Sending you white light and healing energy + loads of love and joy.
Hoping to get out to see you soon!!!

Annabel - 7:22 PM

Dear Tomma,

Still sitting on the edge of my seat, yet reassured as we all are. How wonderful that Suzi and Patrice and Karen were able to extend their stays with you.

I'll see you at some point tomorrow and I'm looking forward to it.

Much love,

ME: Post MRI, first results - 4:16 PM

Ok, Dr Timmens the oncologist, who we have been waiting for all afternoon, is now not coming until 6:00ish... Suzi, Patrice and Karen who arrived here faithfully at 12:00 had not planned to stay that long, but extended their time so that they can be here with me when decisions need to be made. Well, we had a good time, ate and drank and did some yoga, and I even finally had a shower. Almost no more pain. I am feeling better than yesterday.

And as we were venting our frustration over this time delay, in walks the other head OBGYN with entourage, and gave us an intermediate result from the tests. They are "reassuring". The blood test has shown no indicator for any cancer, which doesn't rule cancer out, but makes it much more unlikely. The cyst indeed grow out of the two ovaries. Whether or not they can advice to wait with surgery, depends on Dr Timmens' assessment to the chances there being any.

So tonight we will know what he thinks as he interprets the MRI. Will keep you posted.

much love, always

Peggy - 4:01 PM

I am down here in Ft. Myers FL with Peter visiting his mom. But i've been catching up on all the emails, well, until yours anyway, and want to send you big love. These goddesses are taking good care of you!! And your daughters, too. I'll check in again tomorrow.
Love, love, love, Peggy

Maria - 1:40 PM

Oh, Tomma, so sorry for that uncomfortable experience. I'm glad you're feeling better now. It is 1:40 now. I look forward to an update after your visit with the docs. Much love, M.

Carol - 2:02 PM

hi sweetie..
glad the test is over...and that you are feeling less pain and more peace.
meliss and I and trice and maybe mary would like to come by at around 6;30

how does that sound...
let us know...

Lydia - 12:08 PM

Yay for you for withstanding that icky MRI!
I'm knowing that you are having your talk with the oncologist now or soon, and I am sending you happy, puffy clouds of good juju.

ME: Post MRI - 11:11 AM

Just got back... pooohhh, THAT was an uncomfortable experience!
Not only is the noise hard to experience not like a physical assault, but also I all of a sudden had quite painful cramps in what may have been the colons upper right turn, (maybe too many of those delicious raw peppers) and that made it worse because you can't move or even breathe into your belly for over I think 45 min... man was i glad to be out of there!

Back out of course my belly feels just fine... as fine as it has been so far...

Now I am waiting for the results.

The night was good, slept well, more pain free stretches, more energy... still more bleeding and a wonderful process with my journey friend Jasmine last night before going to sleep... timing of which was perfect becasue I would not have had time to do anything this morning. My journey family is pouring out more love and offers of support than I can fit in... Life is amazing!

My new phone # in my new room is 262 0646

Love, love, love you all!!!!

Karen - 9:32 AM

Good luck Tomma- I sure am glad to hear you feeling so well- by email.

I will be there with Suzi and Patrice for your oncology report.

Is there anything I can do for your girls?

ME: MRI - 8:40 AM

My new nurse JUST came in, (I have been moved to a different room this morning - E 601) and told me they are outside waiting to take me to the MRI... off I go!!! We'll have results soon!!
I am feeling great today!

Suzi - Mon. Jan 26th, 8:35 AM

Time shift!

Patrice, Karen and I will be with Tomma for her Noon Oncologist evaluation.

Send us all your juice. Tomma sounds, through Patrice, fabulous.

I love you all. S

Lise - 11:24 PM

I love us, ... oh how sweet that sounds!! We are goddessdamn good. How sweet this moment, our connection, our love, our caring and our compassion. The gifts of yesterday are immeasurable, I was up by 5:30AM and rode 3 strong hours on my divine horse creatures, arriving home mid-morning with a somewhat unplanned day of "getting lots of work done". Seldom do I have anything unplanned in my life. The call to be with our/my beloved Tomma was resounding and everything else in life faded. At the end of our long Journey together, arrived home somewhere before 1AM and felt awake, energized, and transformed. Our Circle energy floated us through every moment and every procedure, and yes, Pussy Goddess Suzela was very much the respectful sweet stroking pussy amongst us, showering the professionals and institution with immediate respect and regard, (which more outspoken and rough around the edges Goddess Patrice and myself observed to be entirely successful, and, we were quite pleased with ourselves for remaining silent). We filled the moments with humor laughter lightheartedness and most of all, loving care towards Tomma. Do we all remember the short moment ago in our Winter Sauna/Sweat where Tomma shared her awareness of the drive within her to 'serve' and from a weight, a mass of historic guilt? Her words of not being able to receive support unto herself, ... . How many seconds ago was that?

When I spoke with her today around midday she shared parts of her Journey with me, one very powerful part was where when you meet up with your mentor/guide, they were all there, a line of all those that have mentored her and her power animal, they were in a line, standing in support of her. My favorite part was the vehicle. Now during the course of our time together I had all sorts of good future ideas for our Circle, stuff we should have. Amongst them was a van/coach that could hold all of us for transport from one destination to the next. I felt we could all add different things to the Traveling Goddess Coach. I would definitely add the very cool undercover cop light that you open up your window and plop it on the roof and hit a switch and voila, instant flashing red light emergency vehicle, (Goddess Patrice was in total syn with me on this one), (this came in part in response to the not so nice ambulance drivers who basically forbid me from following behind them cause they were gonna go fast, I like to go fast, (that was after they rather grumpily told Suzela that she could not even ride in the ambulance)). So I thought, well we'll just see about that. But, when we hit the first set of lights, the B _ _ _ h threw her switch and fired up the lights and the sirens and left us in the dust. So I am probably going to want to add other cool stuff to our traveling coach. But to get to the point, the vehicle that was in Tomma's journey was a 'COACH', filled with people. Well I reckon we were the peoples.

Blessings to all of us, and blessed we are to know when and how to be present to each other.

Tomma, you go girl, you do your work and embrace Brandon and tune in and rock on and do it all with love in your heart and bones and cells and cysts and ...






I am in NY Mon. and Tues. and will stay connected to the updates and possible surgery.

Love to the traveling Goddesses ALL.


Karen - 6:59 PM

hey Tomma! This is indeed a surprise!

You are spectacular.

No surgery before Tuesday. Oh My. And at least another day in the hospital.

And you are healing yourself. GOOD.

That is all the news I need to hear!

Let me know what you need in the days ahead.
I have flexible days Monday & Tuesday.

Much Love, karen

Yes, an update from ME! - 6:53 PM

Sweet darlings, Oh what an experience!

Sophia brought my computer, and I AM glad I have it, because I can send
you all a very quick latest update.

Doing well today, very stable, Karen has given you a wonderful account
of that... no more pain meds at all today, which is great. Saw yet one
more doctor, and oncoloist, who also was very nice... who did yet one
more pelvic exam... and determined that we should do a fresh and more
accurate MRI tomorrow before we do anything... because things continue
to be a bit unusual and not quite clear to these guys... which is fine
with me, as it gives my body more time to do any self-healing and
shrinking of these "masses" as they call them, if that is meant to
happen. No surgery for sure before Tuesday.

They assure me things like this disappearing would be VERY unusual.

My mother, who consults what she calls her "Christ energy" (or rather a
connection with that) and gets responses to important questions, has
heard that my body has already started to heal itself and that it would
go very fast.

That gives me a bit of additional hope it could actually happen, because
she was also right in predicting that is was NOT the appendix before I
left for the hospital.

Well, life will tell us were it wants to take me in the end and I will
gladly follow wherever that is. So much amazingly beautiful stuff has
already happened... SUCH gratitude I feel for this experience, and so
very much for all of you. You can't know how much it means to me!!!

I am awaiting a restful night and will be in touch tomorrow.

much, much, much love

Suzi - 5:41 PM

Hi all!

Maria and Catherine and I are about to head up for an hour of visiting
Tomma. Just enough to tuck her in and talk a little. We will leave at 8 to
be home easily here in GB by 9.

I am not spoken to Jimmy in the last hours, but did speak to Annina. She
thinks he is starting to travel up here for what sounds like surgery
tomorrow. The girls sound fine. They have several of our numbers and know
they can call.

I will let you know what I learn as we go. Tomma may be resting as she is
not answering her phone. I let her know she could turn us back if she
prefers to rest- though Pussy tells me to just go and be there for a spell
and break up the evening.

We have Patrice, Karen and me able to travel tomorrow and Lydi before 2.
This week will ask a lot of Tomma, so any assistance we give as the days
reveal need will be wondrous.

Tons of love to you each. SO glad we did not wind up in Buffalo last night!
More later, S

Suzi Banks Baum

Karen - 4:56 PM

Heellooo- Goddesses!

Thanks for all your calls yesterday keeping me up-to-date. Thank you for putting in the time at the hospitals, as Tomma lived through her crisis.

I think it is wise that we keep the excitement level to a minimum for Tomma who needs the quietude to reflect ( she is such a reflective person) and to drift into sleep as needed. She is certainly comfortable, comforted and grateful for the care she is receiving. Floor d-6 is very, peaceful today. She has appreciated the phone calls and the help from all of us. She seemed relieved when things quieted down.

I was with her from 12:30 til 3:00 when her daughters arrived.

The catherization was brief and " no big deal" as Tomma would say.
She continues to experience some abdominal sensations and bleeding discharge. She is grateful for the pain meds and the kind attention she receives from the staff on this floor.
She and I drank ice water together while she worked her way through her IV drip. She enjoyed a natural fruit smoothie drink that i brought.
it was quite an afternoon of drinking together!! Hydrating that is! hahaha
And that's the whole report from me.

She has her daughters with her now- and she conveyed the situation to them very calmly- Tomma style. They took it well.
It is so good for them to be together! I asked them if there was anything that they needed- and they assured me that for now they are doing fine.

Enjoy this fabulously cold winter evening!

I am making soup!
loveHUGS, karen

Patrice - 12:44 PM

Once again...
Lise' Thankyou for your fabulous driving...even our minor excursion to Buffalo was exquisite)
Your high technology(SPEAKER PHONE) your heated seats, your laughing at my jokes...your inventory of
responses to The MDS questions...

Thankyou Karen for going over today and for all the love and life you are...

Thankyou Annabel, Maria,Denise and Lydia for your contact and keeping n touch and Being the Village...You Rock

I love us...

Suzi - 12:35 PM

Yeah Annabel!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah Karen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I too talked to Tomma and she never sounded so happy for some steamed
chicken and broccoli!

Karen is just arriving.
Decisions about tomorrow and surgery will be made later by Dr. Angel and
Tomma. Jeff Sandel knows and likes Dr. Angel very much. So good. Tomma will
be catheterized this afternoon for inspection of her bladder. Ouchy.

Does anyone have the space to go spend the evening with Tomma= bring some
magazines or a DVD player (we have one you could use) and watch a movie? The
hospital is especially quiet on a Sunday evening and you could be there to
keep her warmed and cozy. Let us know here, okay?

Jimmy is poised in Florida to fly up for the surgery. There was an accident
on the airstrip he is working at this morning and a young photographer was
killed in the crash. Let's send that Jimmy our love and care as his heart is
stretching the miles.

I am home with the crew here. Patrice and Karen and I can be there for
potential surgery tomorrow or just to be with Tomma.

Any one have any other suggestions for care for our dear girl?

Sending you all tons of light and loose grips on all that seems so permanent
but then? shifts the burden and new gifts are revealed.

So much love, S

Patrice - 12:33 PM

Dear Annabel, and all of you luscious Women,
Thankyou for the most recent update...soooooo glad she is eating ...and improving.

This chapter of this JOURNEY we are so BLESSED to share has been deeply healing for me...
I am so grateful Suzela that you called me...and that I said YES...I watched a kinda weird movie last thursday(with a friend ...
big step for me to see a movie with someone) called YESMAN. As a result I am saying YES to what comes my way more of the time.

AND THEY IN TURN ANSWERED OUR QUESTIONS AND GAVE OUR TOMMA EXCELLENT CARE. We had fun...having three of us there was the perfect balance...

We reached out to the Men for their the children to the parents and made sure everyone was in the Loop and up to date.

Another fabulous piece for me was taking care of myself and keeping to my food plan and feeling safe to say I had to go home twice to care for myself...Also the timing of everything was exquisite...every doctor we had was a menche with excellent bedside manner.

Also their evaluation of the situation kept changing...and our presence and our love and acceptance stayed balanced and true and
not swayed by their was/is so beautiful...Fear was not a part of our focus...we chose love and presence...AND FAITH

It is a year and 1/2 since the sweat when Goddess Lydia picked me up after all of you called me...wanting me to be there...calling me out of my isolation and disease into
connection and contact and life and LOVE...Yesterday was another changing event for me.

Thankyou for your acceptance and inclusivity and modelling of so many healthy ways of being and living...You are each such role models for me of who I want to be as I grow up
and grow in my hearts ability to open to the love that we all are.

You are beautiful and sacred and so am I.

LOve Patrice

Annabel - 11:56 AM

Moon Goddess Sisters!

How powerful we are! I've just had a telephone conversation with Tomma and she is amazing and creating miracles in her own body. The conversation was short because she was served food and her appetite was good so she feels a big improvement already. No painkillers. There is shrinking in one cyst. They are exploring. The Jimmy situation is a bit more complicated than I understood before: he is in Florida with his van and hang-glider and has work commitments until the end of the day tomorrow, Monday. So the timing of his presence is still in question. She has spoken with Constantin and she is in contact with her parents. And Sophia and Anina will be there with her today. We are all with her and she feels this very strongly.

And here is her phone number: 518-262-0293.

That's the phone by her bed. If it's busy, keep trying. She will be happy to hear from one and all I'm sure, only maybe not all day on the phone. You'll feel what's right with that.

Much love to all on this lunar new year eve,

Denise - 10:43 AM

I cannot go but would love to call, pls let us know what her room # is so we don't drain the cell phone battery...

Lydia - 10:33 AM

Three cheers for the three hot sisters of the medical wards!!!!!!!!!

Suzi - 10:31 AM

Dearest Sisters,

Just up out of bed, Tomma called. Her cell has a little juice for this morning, so if you call and don’t get her, don’t worry.

She did a 4am Journey healing and discharged a lot of blood. She shared this with hunky Dr. Tyler Ford at 6 am and he palpated her cysts and there was less tenderness and pain.

She rested well. Though no food or drink, she is hydrated and comfortable.

Dr. Angel, the head honcho, has not yet been in to see her. When he does, a better plan will emerge for the next days. Tomma will then let Jimmy and us know what is happening.

Likely surgery will be tomorrow, because even if the cysts are shrinking or releasing, they are the size that needs to be removed from her tiny body.

She could use company today. Pampering and company and her cell phone charger. Sophia will likely drive up to see her with the charger. Our presence with her during the Dr. visits and exams provided Tomma with comfort and attention.

Is anyone available to be up there? Depending on the schedule, I will go to be with her for surgery, even if Jimmy is there. My Pussy tells me one of us women needs to be with her.

Please let me know her what you can do. You can call Tomma anytime. I am going to do my mediation and will be around all day. Unless something changes dramatically up there.

All my love and clementines, S

Lydia - 10:01 AM

OK, here's another report:
Patrice just spoke with Sophia, who will pick up Anina, Tomma's cell phone charger, and a few other items and go over to Albany for a visit today. Karen is also going over, and she is arranging with the hospital to have a functioning landline phone in Tomma's room. By the way, her room is in Building D, # 631.
And the latest news directly from Tomma (via Patrice) is that she slept very well, the pain level is at about a 1 or a 2, and the doctor (Ford, I think, whom they were with last night) declared this morning that her abdomen feels softer today, which is good. Dr. Angel (yes, it's true!) will be in soon to make the final determination about whether surgery happens today or tomorrow. It's looking likely that it'll be tomorrow since the pain level is down and things seem softer. Tomma does have a mild fever though, which I am sure they are watching like hawks.
Another report will be coming forthwith.

Lydia - 9:39 AM

I will be sending an update as soon as patrice gets back to me...probably in half an hour or so.
We are looking for someone to go over to Albany today.

Denise - Sun, Jan. 25th 9:18 AM

I was so sorry to not be able to get down to GB before she was transported to anyone going to be with her today? do we have any updates from this morning?

it is truly heartwarming to know how deeply connected we all are through crisis and celebration, for each other and our loved ones....

thanks Lyd, also, for calling about the Barcelona windstorms...Jesse is fine but he said it's so sad, several children were killed when the sports arena they took shelter in collapsed after the roof blew off.

love to all, especially our beloved Tomma,

Annabel - 1:18 AM


Thank you so very very much for this very complete update!!


Maria - 11:58 PM

wow. amazing. thanks for the updates, lyds. Maria

Lydia - 10:47 PM

Here's the latest:
Tomma was taken by ambulance to Albany Med with Suzi along for the ride, I think. Lise and Patrice drove over behind the ambulance. Now they are in a room in the ER wing of the hospital. Thankfully, there is no one in the other bed, so Suzi and Patrice and Lise didn't have to leave at 9pm, when visitors usually have to leave.
Turns out the appendix is fine, but there are two ovarian (I think) cysts, each of which is about 10 centimeters in diameter. (We all just saw her naked in the sauna - where could two grapefruits be hiding within that beautiful, modest frame?) A likely explanation for the terrible pain Tomma was experiencing earlier is that one of these cysts was torqued(why? we don't know.) This cyst is filled or is filling with liquid (blood? lymph? we don't know.) There is a welcome and mostly unexplained cessation of pain now, thanks partly to the terrific drugs they gave her and the apparent spontaneous untorquing of the cyst. Tomma and her fellow goddesses must be lightening the day (and night) of oh so many hospital staff members. Word is that her current doctor is quite darling indeed.
We are awaiting word about whether and when surgery will be. Jimmy, who is in Florida on a job, wants to be here for the surgery. In any case, it looks as if no heroic (surgical)measures will be taken tonight. Suzi said she'd give me another call when they decide what's next. It sounded very likely that Tomma will stay in the hospital tonight and Suzi, Lise and Patrice will be driving home within an hour or two.

I think that's all I know for now. I'll send another update asap.

Maria - 6:14 PM

Dear Lydia, Annabel and all -- thank you for these updates. I am so moved that we move in like this to care for each other. I will try Tomma's cell phone again to wish her well. I'll be home all night and look forward to hearing more.


Annabel - 5:42 PM


I've just spoken with Lydia who just spoke with Suzi. The scoop:
Suzi and Lise and Patrice are all with Tomma. In the ER they have detected a "chambered cyst" and this is obscuring their view of her appendix. They are about to (at about 5:30 pm) take her in for a cat scan to determine the condition of the appendix. If they are not able to do what needs to be done following that cat scan, she will be sent to Albany Med and Suzi and Lise and Patrice intend to accompany her there if that becomes the plan.

Lydia is on her way out now and won't be near her email until about 9 tonight she says.

I'm at home at 845-528-6453 here in Putnam Valley and am near my computer although not always on it.

As I get news I will relate it. Suzi's phone is probably not working now although that was the last contact point Lydia used. I tried calling Lise not long ago and didn't get through.

Much love to all,

Karen - 3:31 PM

Lydia- Thanks for the update.
I am glad to hear that out Tomma is " in good hands".

I spoke to Tomma twice earlier- and just to let you know that I am available to help in anyway as things develop- especially for taking care of her at home- as needed.

love to all from karen

Annabel - 2:18 PM

Dear Lydia!
Thank you for keeping us all up to the minute! It was about 10 minutes ago that I got online today! I'm at 845-528-6453 if there's anything I can do. I'm way down in Putnam Valley and don't expect to be up there until late in the afternoon Tuesday through Wednesday.
Much love to all and I'm praying for smooth transitions for Tomma!

Lydia - 2:03 PM

I spoke to Suzi about 20 minutes ago. she and Lise are at Fairview with Tomma who was just about to have a pelvic exam. The ER doc on duty at Fairview today is my friend, Bruce Nayowith, who is a great guy, so you can rest assured that Tomma is in good hands.
I'll send more news when I know more.

Maria - 1:17 PM

I just got online and found all this. It looks like it happened this morning, but where is she -- BMC or Fairview? Is she all right? They caught it early enough, right? Fill me in. Where is she and for how long. I did call her cell but there was no answer. She wouldn't be home by now would she? Maria

Lise - 12:55 AM

I am heading over now, my cell phone is 413 854-7293 but one of us will call someone to send a chain of 'All is Well', once we know


Peggy - 11:43 AM

Oh Tomma – hope everything works out!


I leave early tom’w for FL and will be back Wednesday night. Keep me posted.

Love to all,


Suzi - 11:06 AM

Got her. She will call me in a minute when she decides with her neighbor where to go. If she comes here, there are more women available to help.

I have my cell 413 429 1799. I will be either at my desk or in the house somewhere.

Will keep you all posted my email unless I go to the hospital, there I’ll be on my cell.

Love, S

Denise - 11:02 AM

Tomma Cell 518-794-0017 Home 518-794-6224

She is waiting for an ambulance and will either go to BMC or Fairview in GB. Suzi, I gave her your cell # and she will try to go to GB so you can be with her, I can also try to visit tonight.

Rich as the Earth, and vast as the Sky, and Free as the Wind are we. We grow as we go, and shine our light, on all that we are, and all we will be!

Sending you love and prayers, dear Tomma!!


Lisè - Jan 24, 2009, at 10:52 AM

On Jan 24, 2009, at 10:52 AM, Lisè Gottwald wrote:

who has Tomma's cell #, Holy Shit!!


My first e-mail - Jan 24, 2009, at 10:33 AM

On Jan 24, 2009, at 10:33 AM, Tomma von Haeften wrote:

Goddesses I am going to the emergency room in Pittsfield today think I might have an appendicitis... nobody is here, my neigbor is driving me...keep you posted
love Tomma